A glorious campaign demon hunter
A glorious campaign demon hunter

It is of the utmost importance to strike a cool pose after each and every dash!Īs a result of all of this the Demon Hunter doesn't have a set rotation, only a whole bunch of choices that all come with their own advantages and disadvantages. The trick is that almost all of these abilities are either on a rather lengthy cooldown, require some setup beforehand, or are just too precious to waste on a single enemy. In order to counteract this quite obvious flaw the Demon Hunter has numerous ranged options, so even if you dash away you still have something to do as you mosey back towards the boss. Now as you can imagine, dashing away from someone isn't really the best way of ensuring that their health bar inches towards zero, no matter what sort of a damage boost you get for doing so.

a glorious campaign demon hunter

Not only do you have numerous mobility options available to you at all times, you have to use them constantly in order to output the most damage! This doesn't sound like much, but in reality it adds an entire new layer to the Demon Hunter playstyle as you now have to worry about not just your resources and cooldowns, but also your positioning and the range of your spells. The leveling gear might not look amazing, but its got a certain charm to itĪs someone that hates generic MMO combat, mostly because it tends to revolve around you standing still and mashing three buttons in sequence, the Demon Hunter comes as a breath of fresh air. With all of that now out of the way, let's begin the review proper with my favorite aspect of Legion - the new Demon Hunter class. The second part, which is now available, is focused entirely around Legion's end-game: Raids, Mythic Dungeons, PvP, World Quests, and that sort of stuff.

a glorious campaign demon hunter

The first, or rather the one you're reading right now, will cover the newly released Demon Hunter class, as well as the entirety of the leveling experience, story, and class specific features such as Artifact Weapons and Class Halls. Since there is simply far too much for me to cover in one review I am going to be splitting this up into two parts. Unlike Warlords of Draenor, Legion has come packed with content! I've already spent well over 40 hours exploring the Broken Isles, dashing and double-jumping all over the place with my Demon Hunter, completing an apparently endless stream of quests, and yet there doesn't seem to be any end in sight.

a glorious campaign demon hunter

World of Warcraft is an absurdly massive game, and the same applies to its recent Legion expansion.

A glorious campaign demon hunter